[SciPy-user] typeset math

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Tue May 9 08:27:09 EDT 2006

On Tuesday 09 May 2006 07:46, Edin Salković wrote:
> Thanks for the interest John!
> So, I was wondering how could this be organized in a suitable way.
>  - Is it better to reuse the matplotlib's sf project space, or to create
>    a completely new project. As for the former, mathtext could be just a
>    separate package (like matplotlib-toolkits is now).
>  - Should the name be changed to something else, like pyformula, formupy,
>    pymulae, tex4py, typy, pypeset (see the other thread - SoC - pymulae).
>    Honestly speaking, mathtext sounds great, and currently, when you type
>    it into google it comes out 3rd and 4th. pyformula also sounds nicely.
> Also, Robert pointed me at some sources:
>  - The Texbook, appendix G
>  - http://www.grigoriev.ru/svgmath/
>  - http://www.sti.uniurb.it/padovani/publications.html
>  - http://rw4.cs.uni-sb.de/~heckmann/abstracts/neuform-review.html
>  - http://www-mgi.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~blume/Download.html
> Anything else that I should look at?
> Should I consult the book "TeX: The Program" (I don't have it currently).
> I also have "The METAFONTbook", MetaPost's manual, "Thinking in
> PostScript", but I'm not sure whether I need those at all. I'm not an
> expert about fonts, so some (freely available) resources would come in
> handy.

I think "Computers and Typesetting, Volume B: Tex: The Program" may be useful, 
although I have only just ordered it myself and have not yet received it.


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