[SciPy-user] typeset math

Edin Salković edin.salkovic at gmail.com
Mon May 8 04:54:17 EDT 2006

Thanks a lot!

I spent a bit reading something that Robert pointed me at:
http://rw4.cs.uni-sb.de/~heckmann/abstracts/neuform-review.html (very helpful)
and this morning I installed matplotlib and gave it try.

Then I saw (literally) what John has managed to do - it's just great.
I deffinitely don't want to reinvent the wheel, but I realy think that
this stuff should be put in a separate library so:
1) other projects can use it (if they want to).
2) it can be easy for others to use it (see 1)
3) John can use it :) without having to develop and maintain it
4) other developers can join the project more easily

As for 2) i had to download Python, matplotlib, and then Numeric, the
old Numeric, although wherever I went everybody was screaming numpy!
numpy!. So the only real problem is the dependency on Numeric.
However, aside from that, everything seems to be working pretty
nicely. SVG/PS/PNG outputs look great. I just had to install ttf CM
fonts for displaying the SVG file in inkscape, but that's normal, at
least under windows.

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