[SciPy-user] scipy fails on OS X 10.4 -- RETRACTION

Tony Mannucci Tony.Mannucci at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon May 1 05:30:31 EDT 2006

Sorry, the docs are getting better, as is support for OS X.

This very problem is solved using the source build instructions on 
the scipy site. Sorry for the hassle.


At 1:27 AM -0700 4/29/06, Tony Mannucci wrote:
>I downloaded the binary version of scipy from www.scipy.org/Download 
>for OS X 10.4. I installed in the usual OS X way (from .dmg package 
>I get the "old" error I used to see:
>>>>  import scipy
>>>>  scipy.test(level=1)
>import signal -> failed: Failure linking new module: 
>Symbol not found: _fprintf$LDBLStub
>   Referenced from: 
>   Expected in: dynamic lookup
>>>>  scipy.__version__
>>>>  scipy.__numpy_version__
>I have selected gcc 3.3 using gcc_select. I had this problem before 
>when I built from source, and it had to do with the gcc version I 
>was using along with g77.
>Thanks for your help.

Tony Mannucci
Supervisor, Ionospheric and Atmospheric Remote Sensing Group
  Mail-Stop 138-308,                     Tel > (818) 354-1699
  Jet Propulsion Laboratory,              Fax > (818) 393-5115
  California Institute of Technology,     Email > Tony.Mannucci at jpl.nasa.gov
  4800 Oak Grove Drive,                   http://genesis.jpl.nasa.gov
  Pasadena, CA 91109

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