[SciPy-user] nd_image

joris at ster.kuleuven.ac.be joris at ster.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu Mar 16 16:42:56 EST 2006

   [TO]: So, what we have in SciPy is "the official" home for the numpy
   [TO]: version of his package. 

Sorry, I am a bit lost here. So nd_image was a numarray library, and is now
available via scipy where it works with numpy arrays (correct?). At the moment,
the library is unmaintained though, regardless whether it would be part of
scipy or numpy. Correct? If so, why exactly would it be better to put it under
scipy rather than under numpy?

Some people don't need scipy for their work and are happy with numpy alone.
It used to be rather easy for them to use nd_image with numarray, but if I
understand you correctly, they would now have to install an entire new package,
which for scipy is still quite a challenge compared to numpy. 


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