[SciPy-user] installation problems

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 12:23:43 EST 2006

manouchk wrote:
> Le Mardi 14 Mars 2006 14:12, Hanno Klemm a écrit :
>>I had a similar problem. When you are installing on a Red Hat
>>distribution, it is highly likely that your BLAS or another numerical
>>library is incomplete. That seemed to be the problem on the Red Hat
>>distribution I have been using.
>>Probably you then have to compile the numerical libraries yourself
>>(that's at least what I did).
> On mandriva 2005LE there is a similar problem when I run scipy.test(level=1)
> it gives a lo of line with the problem "undefined symbol: srotmg_" like this 
> one :
> import signal -> 
> failed: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/scipy/linalg/fblas.so: undefined 
> symbol: srotmg_
> and then there is a warning :
> WARNING: clapack module is empty
> If I refer to old mail of scipy-user mailing list :
> http://www.scipy.net/pipermail/scipy-user/2002-June/000447.html
> the solution was already given there :
> "Yes, srotmg_ is missing in the BLAS libraries that are included in LAPACK.
> You have to download http://netlib2.cs.utk.edu/blas/blas.tgz and rebuild
> BLAS to fix it."
> Question 1:
> only blas.tgz is needed?


> Question 2:
> is it better to use the cblas.tgz in order to have coherent *.c and *.f files?

I'm not sure what this means. I would imagine that it's only worth using CBLAS
if it's optimized like ATLAS. Don't bother.

> Question 3:
> the solution is to replace all *.f and .c files and then build?

You can actually just unpack the blas.tgz somewhere and set the environment
variable BLAS_SRC to that directory. The "Linear Algebra libraries" section of
http://old.scipy.org/documentation/buildscipy.txt tells you how (it still
applies, although it is an old document).

> Question 4:
> what is the license of blas.tgz and cblas.tgz?

According to Debian, which is quite picky about such matters, blas.tgz at least
is in the public domain.

> The problem is still there in mandriva 2005! It is a pity that the problem was 
> not resolved so that the distribution chip the complete version. 
> I hope it is not to much out of the subject but I'd like to know if mandriva 
> is now a exception and other distribution ship the "complete" version?

Redhat seems to have that problem, too. Debian and its progeny do not. Go Ubuntu!

Robert Kern
robert.kern at gmail.com

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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