[SciPy-user] optimize.leastsq

Andrew Straw strawman at astraw.com
Tue Jul 25 12:54:01 EDT 2006

Dear Kfir,

I attach a file which implements the DLT method of calibration.  (See
) numpy.linalg.lstsq() used in a key part of this code.

There are some tools that we use internally used in this, but I'm pretty
sure you can figure out what's going on.

If you get around to implementing anything more fancy, I'd be very
interested to hear about it.

Kfir Breger wrote:
>   I am working on a camera calibration tool in python. In order to achive
> taht i need to use a non linear least square fitting. I have a series of
> 3d points M and their counterpart 2d points m. I also have a first
> estimation of the projection/rotation matrix H. so im trying to solve MH
> = m. my fit fnction calculatse m_project (the value of the 2d point as
> projected by H) then returns the square of m = m_project, it is clear to
> see that minimizing this function will give the best H.
>   The problem is i cant get it to work. I get a value error about
> something being nested to deep. any1 got an idea? is it at all posible
> to use optimize.leastsq in this fashion?
>     Greatings
>          Kfir Breger
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