[SciPy-user] [Numpy-discussion] updated Ubuntu Dapper packages for numpy, matplotlib, and scipy online

Michael Williams williams at astro.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jul 18 12:49:28 EDT 2006

Hi Andrew (and others),

On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 09:32:44AM -0700, Andrew Straw wrote:
>I have updated the apt repository I maintain for Ubuntu's Dapper, which
>now includes:
>Each package is from a recent SVN checkout and should thus be regarded
>as "bleeding edge". The repository has a new URL:
>http://debs.astraw.com/dapper/ I intend to keep this repository online
>for an extended duration. If you want to put this repository in your
>sources list, you need to add the following lines to
> deb http://debs.astraw.com/ dapper/
> deb-src http://debs.astraw.com/ dapper/

I am unable to access these repositories (which sound very useful, and
for which I am grateful to Andrew!). apt-get update gives

    "Failed to fetch http://debs.astraw.com/dapper/Release.gpg Could not
    resolve ‘debs.astraw.com’"

I am also unable to access the repositories listed on the website:

    deb http://sefton.astraw.com/ubuntu/ dapper/
    deb-src http://sefton.astraw.com/ubuntu/ dapper/

for the same reason. Does anyone know where they've gone and if they're
coming back?

Michael Williams
Rudolph Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics
University of Oxford

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