[SciPy-user] sandbox.netcdf does not install correctly.

Rob Hetland hetland at tamu.edu
Tue Jul 11 12:23:35 EDT 2006

The netcdf class in the scipy sandbox does not install correctly.  I  
have installed this utility by hand, moving the required files over  
to the site-packages directory, and the package does work (after the  
import statements are fixed), it's just the installation doesn't move  
the right files over.  I am very bad at distutils, so I will simply  
describe what needs to be changed:

The import statements including Scientific_netcdf need to be changed to:

     from _netcdf import *
     from _netcdf import _C_API

netcdf.py needs to be transfered to the correct directory.  It would  
most likely be best to put things in a netcdf directory, with an  
__init__.py (absent now, as far as I can tell).  Other than these  
small installation issues, it seems to work great!


Rob Hetland, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
phone: 979-458-0096, fax: 979-845-6331

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