[SciPy-user] Type error in signaltools.py?

Paul Ray Paul.Ray at nrl.navy.mil
Fri Jan 20 17:47:06 EST 2006


I'm running scipy on Python2.4.2 and I found the following issue:

Line 1353 of signal/signaltools.py is currently:
         ret = reshape(newdata,tdshape)
This crashes with a TypeError:
*** TypeError: Array can not be safely cast to required type

I think the line should correctly be:
         ret = reshape(newdata,tuple(tdshape))

Is this a change that happened between Python2.3 and Python2.4?

I found this problem in scipy 0.3.2, but the source line is the same  
in the current SVN version of scipy.


-- Paul

Dr. Paul S. Ray              E-mail: Paul.Ray at nrl.navy.mil
Naval Research Laboratory    WWW   : http://xweb.nrl.navy.mil/ 
Code 7655                    Phone : (202) 404-1619
Washington, DC 20375         AIM   : NRLPSR

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