[SciPy-user] How to built scipy on windows : revised

Gary Pajer gpajer at rider.edu
Thu Jan 5 10:12:18 EST 2006

Andrew Straw wrote:

>I just posted Gary's great build instructions:
>SciPy-user mailing list
>SciPy-user at scipy.net
Less than 24 hours later, it's obsolete.

I've updated it to reflect the numpy/scipy reorg.  I also cleaned it up 
a bit ... and in the process it got a little longer.  Maybe it's too 
long now.  Feel free to edit at will.  I didn't think it rated a wiki 
entry, but, well, there you go.  Thanks, Andrew.

This is the first time I touched a wiki, and I have a formatting 
question.  The formatting hints tell me that three single quotes makes 
boldface.  I put in triple quotes, but got no boldface.  What did I miss?


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