[SciPy-user] 'Expected in: dynamic lookup' error for scipy.signal and .fftpack

David Treadwell i.failed.turing.test at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 18:34:06 EST 2006

With Robert's help, I got SciPy-0.4.6 to install. See original post:

SciPy now works great, with the exception of 'signal' and 'fftpack'.  
When those packages are imported, an error is thrown:
"Expected in: dynamic lookup".  See ERROR below.

The build looks like it proceeded w/o error, but I could have missed  
something. The error looks similar to in

I suspected a mismatch of using different compilers for fftw2.1.5,  
NumPy and SciPy, so I removed these three packages and recompiled  
them with gcc3.3 and the latest release snapshots of NumPy and SciPy.

One other possibility Google has suggested is a problem with python-  
ldap. I'm not too sure what that means. :(

Any suggestions on this one?


  >>> import numpy
  >>> import scipy
  >>> scipy.test(10,1)
import signal -> failed: Failure linking new module: ~/Library/ 
fftpack/_fftpack.so: Symbol not found: _fprintf$LDBLStub
    Referenced from:~/Library/Python2.4/site-packages/scipy-0.4.6- 
    Expected in: dynamic lookup

import fftpack -> failed: Failure linking new module:  ~/Library/ 
fftpack/_fftpack.so: Symbol not found: _fprintf$LDBLStub
    Referenced from: ~/Library/Python2.4/site-packages/scipy-0.4.6- 
    Expected in: dynamic lookup

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