[SciPy-user] additional superpak problems

Lou Pecora lou_boog2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 31 08:20:41 EST 2006

I found similar problems with the superpack in that I
had to manually install the fortran compiler (using
tar command as you already indicated) and manually
install iPython.  Here's what I did for iPython:

Go to:  http://ipython.scipy.org/

Download the   ipython-0.7.2.tar.gz version

In the Terminal:

tar -xvzf ipython-0.7.2.tar.gz
cd ipython-0.7.2
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

iPython works fine as does SciPy, MPL, and NumPy.  The
latter three installed fine from the superpack.

Using G4 Al Laptop, MacOS X 10.4.8, Python 2.4.

Hope that helps.

I agree that it would be nice to have those superpacks
well maintained since bundling can mitigate the
painful problems of matching correct versions with all
these packages (my main complaint about using Python
as a scientific environment -- otherwise I love it).

--- belinda thom <bthom at cs.hmc.edu> wrote:

> Vincent,
> I am now receiving only the errors you reported.


-- Lou Pecora
      My views are my own.

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