[SciPy-user] OT(?): Lab hardware interface

Bryce Hendrix bhendrix at enthought.com
Tue Aug 22 11:40:41 EDT 2006

I'm not sure how much this helps- pyserial and pyparallel are packages 
for interfacing with hardware via the serial and parallel ports. If you 
use the Enthought disto of Python, it includes pyserial.


Gary Pajer wrote:
> Soon I'm going to need to interface my experiment to my computer.
> Can any one suggest any python tools that might exist?  I've been 
> googling for abour an hour, and haven't come up with anything.
>   I can't afford LabView at the moment, and besides, I've never used it 
> so it doesn't have the advantage of familiarity.  I don't need a 
> graphical environment.  At first the equipment will be very simple:  a 
> couple of photodiodes, an A/D converter, perhaps a stepper motor controler.
> Any hints are welcome. 
> If this strikes you as noise, please accept my apology.
> Thanks,
> gary
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