[SciPy-user] scipy.fftpack.fft2 bug

Brice Thurin b.p.s.thurin at city.ac.uk
Fri Aug 11 15:19:42 EDT 2006

It seems there is a bug with the axes argument in the 
scipy.fftpack.fft2 function.
It does not do what it is supose to do.

In [1]: import scipy.fftpack

In [2]: import numpy

In [3]: x = ones((4,4,2))

In [4]: fx = scipy.fftpack.fft2(x,shape=(8,8),axes = (-3,-2))

In [5]: fx.shape
Out[5]: (4, 8, 8)

but it is working fine with numpy.dft.fft2

In [1]: import numpy

In [2]: x = numpy.ones((4,4,2))

In [3]: fx = numpy.dft.fft2(x,s=(8,8),axes=(-3,-2))

In [4]: fx.shape
Out[4]: (8, 8, 2)

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