[SciPy-user] begging for binaries

Mathew Yeates myeates at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Oct 13 13:24:55 EDT 2005

it went nowhere. I have very little experience with scipy's build process.
Python24 was released almost a year ago. Its a shame that it can't be used.


Robert Kern wrote:

>Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>Mathew Yeates wrote:
>>>okay, I finally got everything installed. I think.
>>>Now when I run scipy.test() I get a whole bunch of output followed by 
>>>python crashing
>>>Here are the 2 lines before the crash
>>>(scipy.linalg.decomp.test_decomp.test_svdvals) ...
>>>check_basic (scipy.io.array_import.test_array_import.test_numpyio) ...
>>This is a problem with scipy distutils picking up the wrong system IO 
>>library.  I don't know why things changed in the move to Python 2.4,  
>>but for some reason, Python is being compiled against one system IO 
>>library, and scipy is being compiled against another.
>>I don't know how to fix it, right way.  Everything worked fine with 
>>Python 2.3.
>The official Python 2.4 binaries are being compiled with MSVC 7 and
>against that runtime. John Hunter discovered a way to compile his
>matplotlib binaries with mingw, but no one has yet reported if they've
>tried this with scipy:
>  http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-December/254826.html
>Some conflicting advice can be found at the bottom of this page:
>  http://jove.prohosting.com/iwave/ipython/issues.html
>Please try those methods and let us know how it goes.

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