[SciPy-user] Newbie and Old matlab user

Samuel GARCIA sgarcia at olfac.univ-lyon1.fr
Thu Oct 13 05:00:29 EDT 2005

I am a newbie
I program with matlab and I try to change for scipy/ipython/pylab.

A question :

I am have 2 file source1.py and source2.py,
in source1.py there is :
from source2 import *
and source1 use source2 functions

Then in ipython console, with the command
run source1
this execute my code.

My problem is when I edit source1 and source2, run command take in
account the modification in source1py,
but don't take in account in the modofiction in source2.py

Sorry, for this simple question.


CNRS - UMR5020
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