[SciPy-user] scipy_core-0.4.1-src.rpm for fedora core 4

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Sat Oct 8 18:27:32 EDT 2005

Morgan Hough wrote:

>I downloaded the scipy_core-0.4.1-src.rpm and rebuilt it on an
>up-to-date fc4 system. The build initially failed. I installed the new
>Fedora Extras Atlas rpm (+devel) and it rebuilt fine.
>I am now wondering how I can check out a matching SciPy. What tag
>would I use to grab it out from subversion? Is there a schedule for a
>similar beta release?

The development version of scipy which will build on top of scipy core is


You can get it, but it is under heavy development. 

Right now, a time frame is hard to say, but probably within 3-4 weeks, 
depending on how many issues we find.

I suspect that by the time we make a beta release of new scipy, we will 
be ready to make a full release of newcore.

We are particularly in need of people with access to 64-bit systems for 


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