[SciPy-user] Re: [SciPy-dev] Re: [Numpy-discussion] Purchasing Documentation

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Tue Oct 4 19:08:18 EDT 2005

Fernando Perez wrote:

> Travis Oliphant wrote:
>> Alan G Isaac wrote:
>>> I also plan to ask our library to purchase the book, but I am 
>>> concerned that your statement that multiple users each need their 
>>> own copy might mean a library purchase is forbidden.  I assume it 
>>> did not mean that, and that you just meant that making multiple 
>>> copies is restricted.  (Our library supports electronic book check 
>>> out.)  Ruling out library purchases would, I think, be a costly 
>>> mistake for many reasons, which I can list if you are interested.
>> A library purchase is fine.   If that how a single copy is shared.  
>> I'll make that more clear.  But, really, if multiple users need to 
>> use it at the same time, then the library should purchase several 
>> copies. 
> 'a single printed copy can be made from the electronic version, which 
> is subject to the same restrictions imposed on paper books (lending is 
> OK but not wholesale photocopying for redistribution, for example)'
> This would put at ease a lot of people who normally buy a book in a 
> lab or research group with the natural assumption that anyone in that 
> lab can go to the shelf and read it.  Obviously if it's a book with 
> very frequent use, traditional book purchasers buy multiple copies.  
> With your book, the exact same thing would be expected: just because 
> they have the PDF doesn't mean they can print 10 copies of it for the 
> whole lab.  Or at least that's my understanding.
Thanks, I like this wording.  It is exactly what I meant.   

I also think except for a library-checkout system (where only one 
digital copy is in circulation), somebody should not be able to buy an 
e-copy and then make electronic copies for everybody in their 
organization.   That's really quite counter productive.  If you want to 
share your e-copy with someone for a while (or give it away) fine...   
I'm really just asking that you treat the e-copy something like a 
physical book.  

I'll make some more details concerning the intent, available.  Thanks 
for everybody's help.


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