[SciPy-user] distutils help

Ryan Krauss ryanlists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 14:48:02 EST 2005

The MANIFEST seems crucial, but is not discussed in the docs for python 2.4.

I started looking at the ipython setup.py, but it is quite a step up
in complexity from the distutils examples.

Fernando, do you have a MANIFEST.in file that goes along with the
ipython setup.py?  I can't seem to find where the README gets included
from setup.py alone.



On 11/17/05, Fernando Perez <Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu> wrote:
> Ryan Krauss wrote:
> > I am trying to package my Python+Maxima+Latex symbolic stuff and I am
> > having trouble understanding the distutils documentation.  I want to
> > include a README.txt file that will be there when you unzip the source
> > distribution.  As I understand the distutils documentation this should
> > be a data_file.  Here is my setup.py script that isn't working:
> The easiest solution is to use a proper MANIFEST.in file which lists what you
> want/don't want included, and make sure that your setup always wipes out the
> actual MANIFEST file (otherwise distutils doesn't update correctly).  The
> scipy setup is extremely complex and not the best to learn from for simple
> tasks (its complexity is necessary, given what it's trying to do).  I'd
> recommend that you have a look at  ipython's setup file, which while being
> non-trivial is a lot easier to understand, and it handles things like what you
> are asking.  I'll be happy to answer questions you may have about it.
> Cheers,
> f
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