[SciPy-user] SciPy in svn can't find "comb" or "factorial", is noisy, and doesn't find AMD math lib

Robert Dick dickrp at wckn.com
Sun Nov 13 17:59:08 EST 2005

The latest release is a year old so I built SciPy_core and SciPy from svn.  

Bugs: Attempt by Lib/signal/filter_design.py to import 'comb' from scipy 
fails.  Attempt by Lib/signal/signaltools.py to import 'factorial' from scipy 
fails.  Fix by importing from scipy.utils, instead.

Odd default: SciPy imports are quite noisy, indicating every package imported.  
For normal users, a reasonable default in _import_tools.py would be
#   print 'Importing',package_name,'to',parent_name
    exec ('import '+package_name, frame.f_globals,frame.f_locals

Those interested in using AMD's fast math libraries may find this site.cfg 

# for overriding the names of the atlas libraries
blas_libs = acml
language = f77

lapack_libs = acml
language = f77

-Robert Dick-

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