Fwd: Re: [SciPy-user] weave and large arrays

Francesc Altet falted at pytables.org
Thu May 12 05:06:47 EDT 2005

A Dimecres 11 Maig 2005 21:16, Ryan Krauss va escriure:
>  I don't know anything about PyTables.  The data is now in tab delimited
> ASCII files where each column is on data vector.  Can PyTables quickly read
> that and give me either a matrix of 11 different column vectors?

No, PyTables doesn't support importing ASCII files directly. However,
you can use a tool on the HDF5 distribution called h5import [1] that
can read ASCII files and convert them into HDF5 files.

[1] http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Tools.html#Tools-Import

>  The student version of Matlab R13 does not seem to support hdf5.  It can
> read hdf, but doesn't seem to be able to write at all. 

Ops. Well, now that you have solved your problem I suppose that it
does not matter anymore.


Francesc Altet

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