[SciPy-user] Compiling C++ extensions using Enthon-2.3.5

Bryan Cole bryan.cole at teraview.com
Wed May 4 05:34:30 EDT 2005


I'm trying to wrap a small C++ library on windows, using Enthon-2.3.5 (the
test version) and the version of GCC distributed with this. 

When I run:
	python setup.py build_ext --compiler=mingw32

it doesn't call gcc (or g++) as expected but calls 'cc' (presumably a
placeholder for the correct compiler executable) which is 
undefined. How do I tell distutils the correct path to the CPP compiler?

Note, compiling C-extensions works great right out-the-box.
"c:\python2.3\enthought\mingw\bin\gcc.exe" is called, as expected. It's
just *.cpp source files that don't work. C++ extensions work fine with

I've not tried this with the "stable" Enthon version yet.


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