[SciPy-user] Re: [SciPy-dev] Future directions for SciPy in light of meeting at Berkeley

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Mar 9 20:42:28 EST 2005

On Mar 9, 2005, at 8:30 PM, Robert Kern wrote:

> Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> On Mar 9, 2005, at 12:33 PM, Stephen Walton wrote:
>>>> 2) Installation problems -- I'm not completely clear on what the 
>>>> "installation problems" really are.
>>> scipy and matplotlib are both very easy to install.  Using ATLAS is 
>>> the biggest pain, as Travis says, and one can do without it.  Now 
>>> that a simple 'scipy setup.py bdist_rpm' seems to work reliably, I 
>>> for one am happy.
>> On Mac OS X, using ATLAS should be pretty trivial because the OS 
>> already ships with an optimized implementation!  The patch I created 
>> for Numeric was very short, and I'm pretty sure it's on the trunk 
>> (though last I packaged it, I had to make a trivial fix or two, which 
>> I reported on sourceforge).  I haven't delved into SciPy's source in 
>> a really long time, so I'm not sure where changes would need to be 
>> made, but I think someone else should be fine to look at Numeric's 
>> setup.py and do what needs to be done to SciPy.
> Scipy already works just fine with Accelerate. No patch is necessary. 
> However, the ATLAS provided in the Accelerate framework is incomplete. 
> Namely, it's missing the row-major versions of BLAS and the optimized 
> LAPACK routines. Scipy does make good use of these *if* they are 
> available, and the availability of these routines can be quite 
> important (if you are doing heavy linear algebra, of course, if you 
> Just Need It To Build, then Accelerate is the way to go).

You should file a bug at http://bugreport.apple.com/ if you have not 
already.  There's still a chance for 10.4!


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