[SciPy-user] Bug(?) in optimize.leastsq when Jacobian matrix is provided (Complete) <Ignore my previous mail>

Abhiman Chatra abhiman at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 10:47:40 EDT 2005


Yes, this code also results in the Windows error.

I am attaching the source code along this mail. Let me know if you need more 

Thanks for the quick reply,


On 6/23/05, John Hunter <jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu> wrote:
> >>>>> "Abhiman" == Abhiman Chatra <abhiman at gmail.com> writes:
> Abhiman> #This is not my actual code but a simplified version for
> Abhiman> simple linear regression fit from scipy import * import
> Abhiman> random import pprint
> Does this code also reproduce the segfault? Please repost your
> example code in a way that preserves indentation so we can run it w/o
> heavily editing it. One option is to attach it.

Abhiman Chatra B,
Technical Analyst,
Trilogy India,
Mobile # : 9845358165
"If only your programs would be correct if you simply typed them three 
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