[SciPy-user] Clarification

Howey, David A d.howey at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Jul 26 09:03:46 EDT 2005

apologies - I didn't mean to sound short. For me, I find matplotlib great for 2D, and gplt works pretty well for  simple 3D stuff. What are you trying to plot in 3D, if you don't mind me asking?

-----Original Message-----
From: scipy-user-bounces at scipy.net on behalf of Alan G Isaac
Sent: Mon 25/07/2005 16:00
To: SciPy Users List
Subject: Re[4]: [SciPy-user] Clarification
On Mon, 25 Jul 2005, David A Howey apparently wrote: 
> Why didn't you just try gplt (for 3D) as well as matplotlib (for 2D)?!? 
> See 
> http://www.scipy.org/documentation/plottutorial.html/view?searchterm=gplt 

I did try gplt.
Once past the fine basics, I found it unacceptable.
Certain gnuplot functionality was apparently intentionally crippled.
Additionally, when I raised questions about this, nobody 
seemed particularly interested.  Indeed, the best advice 
I got was that if I want to use gnuplot from Python, 
I should try Gnuplot.py instead.

I am uncertain why you mention Matplotlib, which I have 
consistently praised for 2-D plotting (including contour 
plots).  It is an amazing package.

Alan Isaac

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