[SciPy-user] Read data file with scipy.io.read_array()

Nils Wagner nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri Jul 1 10:18:01 EDT 2005

Guillem Borrell Nogueras wrote:

>I need to read a data file written by a fortran executable and I'm
>triyng to do it with the read_array function.  The file is formatted
>this way:
>fortran format '(5(f10.6,x))'
>13.600905  11.536095   7.478742   1.529088  -1.705019
> 6.646662  21.875410  20.727882  10.592803   2.582046
>-1.615569  -4.082547  -5.376484  -4.660769  -2.616893
>-0.791246   0.842457   2.215573   3.311196   3.853060
>I tried
>In [12]: u=read_array('udebug.out',columns=((0,5)))
>but gave me a segmentation fault.  Default options don't work for me. Is
>there a problem with spacings?
>Any ideas?
>Thanks in advance



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