[SciPy-user] Re: vectorize(function)/arraymap did not return arrays?

Yichun Wei yichunwe at usc.edu
Fri Jan 21 16:06:00 EST 2005

Well, I found list comprehension is actually fast enough.

res = [myconvolve(a[x,y], k[x,y]) for x in range(16) for y in range(16)]

which is much faster than

for x in range(16):
     for y in range(16):

This thread says that list comprehension could be comparable to map, or 
even better if taking in to consideration the time calling helper 
functions in map:

I did not try list comprehension earlier because I roughly remember I 
was told that list comprehension is syntaxic suger of for loops...

Travis Oliphant wrote:
> Well, I don't know how difficult it would be to write such a general 
> looping function --- I never tried to do it.   It was not on my radar 
> when I wrote arraymap.
> -Travis

- yichun

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