[SciPy-user] scipy 0.4.3 installation to python 2.4.2

Sven Schreiber svetosch at gmx.net
Tue Dec 6 06:01:40 EST 2005

Hi Martin,
I'm a newbie myself and so others may have more accurate answers, but it seems you need to install
scipy-core before scipy and instead of numeric. Check out numeric.scipy.org for that, despite the name.

I was also confused by this state of affairs, and the existence of quite a few (semi-?) official
websites dealing with various incarnations of numeric/scipy contributed at least to my personal
confusion. (No offense intended, just mho.) This is especially sad given that I think scipy is great
-- I'm sure many other newbies never started using scipy because of that, instead of subscribing to
the mailing list like martin and myself.

To be a little more constructive: I think it would already help if some of the webpages were
converted into pointers to the "one and only" numeric/old scipy/new scipy etc. page. (Again, only mho.)


Martin Somers schrieb:
> Downloaded the windows binaries and have being trying in vein to install
> have also tried compiling from source Process install python 2.4.2 --
> "python-2.4.2.msi" install numeric 24.2 --
> "Numeric-24.2.win32-py2.4.exe" install scipy --
> "scipy-0.4.3.win32-py2.4.exe" on importing scypi no module found
> modified the sys.path to include the scipy directory but still the same
> have tried python setup.py install resulting File "setup.py", line 24,
> in ? from scipy.distutil.core import setup ImportError: No module named
> scipy.distutils.core Any suggestions what i might be able to try tks M
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