[SciPy-user] optimize.fsolve

Ryan Krauss ryanfedora at comcast.net
Thu Aug 18 09:14:33 EDT 2005

Yes, I think it is doing exactly what Matlab would do.  You can have a 
vector input, you just need to have a scalar output that you are trying 
to drive to zero.

Howey, David A wrote:
> Thanks for this... interesting. 
> What I'm trying to do eventually use fsolve to solve for two unknowns (call them p and v) in two non-linear equations (call them F1, F2). In matlab, one would define a vector function say myfunc returning a vector F with F(1) (first element in the vector) evaluating to the first equation and F(2) to the second. The function would accept a vector input, say x, which is = [ p ;  v]. ie a vector of the two unknowns. 
> Do you think scipy's fsolve can work on vectors (arrays) like this in the same way?
> Dave
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