[SciPy-user] Numeric Python EM Project on wiki??

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Wed Aug 17 15:59:39 EDT 2005

Rob wrote:

> I will do as the project wishes, but unfortunately, I have gotten the 
> flu and probably am in not a very sharp mental state right now to do it. 
>   I hope I can just hold off a little bit on this.  I have to say that I 
> am no html widard, but I was very good at seeing the pattern in the site 
> and then using copy and paste, and changing the html and adding it for 
> my entry.

No worries, it's no big deal (and anyone can fix it, it's a wiki after all).

I meant my comment more as a simple, generic common senseguideline:  when 
someone makes a new category (which is OK), they should make sure to collect 
in it all existing items which fall logically under that category.  Otherwise 
it doesn't make much sense to have a category to begin with (especially if 
it's going to hold a single link).



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