[SciPy-user] problems during the test procedure

steve schmerler elcorto at gmx.net
Thu Apr 14 15:31:07 EDT 2005


I'm also using scipy (v0.3.0) under WinXP (Python 2.3.4) and my test looks quite the same but my
scipy works fine so far.

Massimo De Benedetti wrote:
> Hi,
> I am just trying to use scipy for the first time. I have installed it 
> following the procedure described at
> http://www.scipy.org/documentation/buildscipywin32.txt,
> The installation procedure did not turn out succesfully and so I copied 
> wgnuplot.exe and gnuplot_helper.exe from the scipy site as someone 
> suggested on this mailing list. Then the installation turned out just 
> fine. I then tried to test scipy with the procedure scipy.test but this 
> time an error window appeared after a while. 

What does it say?

> I am using python 2.4.1, 
> windows xp and all the latest builds of the packages that scipy needs 
> (mingw, atlas, numeric, etc...). The output of the test routine can be 
> found below if someone can understand its meaning. My impression is that 
> the routine fails when running wgnuplot and/or gnuplot_helper because 
> both the processes are still running on my machine after the error and 
> after I have shut down python and idle. It also seems that some (many of 
> the?) test packages are missing from the installation, is this ok?
> Thank you all for your cooperation,
> Massimo

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