[SciPy-user] Usage of block matrices in scipy

Nils Wagner nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Sep 23 09:23:00 EDT 2004

Alan G Isaac wrote:

>On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Nils Wagner apparently wrote:
>>How can I introduce block matrices in scipy;
>>given matrices A and B of appropraite order, I would like to build matrices
>>of the form
>>C = [A B]
>>C = [A; B]
>Do you need the blocks to be identifiable after building?
>If not, just use concatenate.
>>BTW, I cannot find functions for the Kronecker product
>Look in the most recent numarray for code.
>It will work in Numeric.
>>and the vec operator
>Try reshape.
>Alan Isaac
>PS Here's a Kronecker product:
> http://www.scipy.org/mailinglists/mailman?fn=scipy-user/2003-September/002138.html 

Thank you for your reply.

I have used r_[A, B] and c_[A,B] respectively.

BTW, it would be nice to have both Kronecker product and vec-operator
as s t a n d a r d functions in scipy.

Maybe Pearu or Travis can manage that...


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Dr.-Ing. Nils Wagner

Institut A für Mechanik
Universität Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 9
D-70550 Stuttgart

Tel.: (+49) 0711 685 6262
Fax.: (+49) 0711 685 6282

E-mail: nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de

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