***[Possible UCE]*** Re: [SciPy-user] odeint -- segmentation fault

Giovanni Samaey Giovanni.Samaey at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu Sep 2 08:33:48 EDT 2004

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

> I think I've fixed this problem.  The problem seems to be that lsoda 
> (written in Fortran) made heavy use of common blocks which made it 
> difficult to use in a re-entrant fashion (your dydt function itself 
> calls odeint).

This is what I suspected to be the problem (the re-entrant use).  I am 
really thankful for this fix; it helped me a lot.
Do you suspect that deeper recursions could cause problems? (Just 
wondering, I don't need this for now.)

> ODEPACK provided a function to save and restore the common block which 
> I  sprinkled throughout the original fortran code so that the 
> functions called (and jacobians) could use odeint without ruining the 
> needed common block for the rest of the algorithm.
> Your test script now works on my system and the fixes are in CVS.

Thank you.  The test script works here too now; and my "real" code works 
On question concerning the CVS version of scipy.  If I do regular 
updates, do I have
to rebuild scipy completely, or does the build script take care of 
checking what changed?
And can I break running code by updating regularly?



> I hope this helps
> -Travis
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Giovanni Samaey		 	http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~giovanni/ 
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 	      email: giovanni at cs.kuleuven.ac.be 
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