[SciPy-user] C++ extensions

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Fri Oct 29 21:30:05 EDT 2004

>>>>> "David" == David Grant <david.grant at telus.net> writes:

    David> Hey guys (and girls, are there any???), I have some C++
    David> code, it does a decomposition of a large matrix..  It has a
    David> bunch of objects.  It is very black box though, you just
    David> declare an object, give it the matrix and it will give an
    David> output.  I think it uses CLAPACK.  I would like to call
    David> this from python.

    David> I looked at some Weave information, but that didn't help,
    David> because I obviously can't run this in-line since it is many
    David> files.

pycxx is very nice; boost python is also a good choice.


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