[SciPy-user] multiple windows in gplt

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Fri Oct 15 17:36:26 EDT 2004

Chris Fonnesbeck schrieb:
> On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 00:15:44 -0600, Fernando Perez
> <fernando.perez at colorado.edu> wrote:
>>Hi Chris,
>>sorry if I haven't followed this thread in detail, but you might want to
>>consider using the plain (non-scipy) gnuplot.py interface, perhaps with the
>>additions which ipython provides to make the syntax easier to use.
> I did play with Gnuplot.py for a bit, but I need either jpg or png
> output, and Gnuplot.py only offers postscript (as far as I can see,
> anyhow).
> Thanks for the idea.

It's true that the current code only supports EPS, since that's what I imagine 
M. Haggerty needed (I never went beyond that since I only use EPS myself). 
But I just had a look at the code, and it would be very easy to add an option 
for png/jpg generation.  I'll be out of town for a few weeks, so I can't offer 
to do it myself right now, but I guess I could try to work on it when I get 
back.  Or you could add it yourself, the place to look (if using ipython) is 
in IPython/Gnuplot2.py, you'd want to extend the existing hardcopy() function 
to process png/jpeg in addition to PostScript.

This may sound like more work than you want to do, but at least I know it 
addresses easily the multiple-window problem.  The other option might be to 
switch to matplotlib, which maintains the matlab-like syntax but offers a raft 
of new improvements.



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