[SciPy-user] Problems testing SciPy 0.3.2

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Fri Oct 15 13:40:12 EDT 2004

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Francesc Alted wrote:

> So, I removed scipy from python repository, deleted scipy source dir,
> unpacked it again, recompiled it *against* the new, corrected ATLAS libs,
> and... the same problem remains. However, now the number of tests are 600
> instead of 574 with the stripped libs. The number of failed tests are 15 as
> before.

Could you try building scipy against the following ATLAS library:


(it contains complete lapack, so just unpack the .tgz file and point 
ATLAS environment variable to the lib directory)?

Also, do the  following commands work?

cd Lib/lapack
python setup_atlas_version.py build_ext --inplace
python -c 'import atlas_version'


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