[SciPy-user] multiple windows in gplt

Chris Fonnesbeck fonnesbeck at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 20:53:33 EDT 2004

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:27:59 -0500 (CDT), krivilli at unberwoot.net
<krivilli at unberwoot.net> wrote:
> -I did look your code again and there is another issue.
> -You should also notice that u're calling gplt.plot recursively from
> time_series(), so it will pop-up a new window every time it's called
> (different scopes).

I sometimes have matrix data that need to be plotted separately, so I
dont have much choice but to recurse.

> -What you could do is to plot 'just once', using a matrix. For example,
> for a 2-D plot, say y(t) x t, u can store every new set of data in the
> columns of matrix 't' (abscissas) and matrix 'y' (ordinates), and then
> plot it ('t' and 'y' must have the same shape).

But I would still have to save them serially, wouldnt I? That is where
the trouble arises, since the window gets disabled after saving.

> -Also, if u dont want gnuplot to flood u up, u can unset the option
> 'persist' (doesn't work on M$ Windows). For this u'll need to take look o
> scipy/gplt/interface.py and scipy/gplt/pyPlot.py, cuz im not sure if u can
> do it through gplt.

I'm on OSX, bur many of my users are on M$.

> >
> > I am looking to show a plot, save it to a file, then show another plot
> > in the same window (*not* the same set of axes -- I need a new plot,
> > but using the same gnunplot window). It appears that is not possible.
> >
> -At least, is it saving correctly?

Each plot saves fine, yes. I thought about calling save using
gplt._send, but it results in zero-length files.

Thanks for the help,

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