[SciPy-user] Enthon for the Mac

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Wed Nov 24 15:28:25 EST 2004

Andrew Straw wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2004, at 9:39 AM, Robert Kern wrote:
>> I'm gearing up to make binary packages for Scipy et al. for Mac OS X. 
>> I hope that these might be considered collectively as 
>> Enthought-Edition Python ("Enthon") for the Mac.
>> So, Mac users, what do you want to see in Mac Enthon?
> This is great news!
>  From a purely selfish point of view (to help with installing my pet 
> project, the Vision Egg), would you be willing to include pygame (and 
> SDL, SDL_ttf2, libfreetype, SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SMPEG) if I built it? 

Sure. Why not?  :-)  I'm going to want to be able to build everything 
myself, so all you have to do is figure out how to build it in an 
acceptable way. pygame itself should be packaged up with Bob Ippolito's 


Do the standard 1.2.7 frameworks work? or do you have to compile more 
things? I don't know if they include SMPEG in the frameworks.


Packaging up pygame (and pygtk, too; you're not alone) is, I think, 
going to be low on my list of priorities. Most of the packages on the 
list are there because I have, sometimes extensive, experience with 
building them and getting them to work; this way I can spend my efforts 
on the packaging itself. I haven't built pygame in a while, and with its 
dependencies, it is probably going to be more complicated than the other 

> I would happily do so Saturday or Sunday this weekend -- I just want to 
> make sure we get the same version of cross-dependencies. 

MacEnthon won't be released next week, so don't waste your weekend if 
you don't have to. There will probably be a few alpha releases, so you 
should have plenty of time.

> If so, will 
> Numeric be the 23.6 release? 

I'm actually going to go with CVS since it has some post-23.6 changes 
related to the Mac.

> Are you going to include freetype 
> (2.1.9?), or should I build it? Should unix-like dependencies go in 
> /usr/local/lib and so on?

Preferably, libraries should compile into frameworks. Hopefully, the 
standard packages distributed by libsdl.org will suffice.

See the Wiki page for my current thoughts on how this is all going to work.


Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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