[SciPy-user] How do I build scipy using standard BLAS/LAPACK

Nils Wagner nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Nov 24 05:24:18 EST 2004

Pearu Peterson wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Nils Wagner wrote:
>> The setting of the environment variable LAPACK_SRC seems to be  
>> without effect...
> Once again, could you send the listing of $LAPACK_SRC directory?

cvs/scipy> ls -l /var/tmp/src/lapack/
total 35014
drwxr-xr-x  7 nwagner users      264 2000-05-17 20:27 LAPACK
-rw-r--r--  1 nwagner users 35817984 2004-11-24 08:57 lapack.tar

> Also, what is the output of
>   python system_info.py lapack_src
> ?

( src_dirs = /var/tmp/src/lapack:.:/usr/local/src:/var/tmp/src )
( paths: /var/tmp/src/lapack/LAPACK/SRC )
( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
    sources = ['/var/tmp/src/lapack/LAPACK/SRC/sbdsdc.f', 
'/var/tmp/src/la ...
... CK/SRC/izmax1.f', '/var/tmp/src/lapack/LAPACK/SRC/dzsum1.f']
    language = f77

> I moved the LAPACK directory (from lapack.tgz) to various places and 
> each time system_info.py could find it succesfully using the value of 
> LAPACK_SRC environment variable. So I doubt that system_info.py would 
> be bugy in this respect..
Meanwhile I have made so many modifications with respect to the setting 
of environment variables and site.cfg
that I cannot tell you what is going wrong. So I decided to use ATLAS again.
Actually, I was going to resolve the segmentation fault in 
As you mentioned before it is not neccessary to build scipy against 
So, do you plan to include the symeig package in scipy ?


> Pearu
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