[SciPy-user] Enthon for the Mac

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Wed Nov 24 01:00:36 EST 2004

Fernando Perez wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:

>> http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=Fed&navby=case&no=011567 
> Well, if I read that correctly (and I _hate_ lawyerese), that's the 
> Federal Circuit court's reversal of the lower court's decision, but not 
> the Supreme Court's ruling.  Did the SC indeed hear this case?  The 
> kitware link mentioned the SC being _asked_ to review this case, but 
> they can decline to do so, case in which the case you linked would be 
> the last word on this matter.

The Supreme Court declined to review the case. The Circuit opinion is 
the controlling law for the entire nation.


> Anyway, I really, really hate having to think, even for one stupid 
> second, about this kind of stuff.  And since this has already drifted 
> off-topic and over my legalese yearly allowance, I'll just go back to 
> working on Prabhu's threading ipython patch.  At this point, even the 
> joys of mixing threads, exceptions and 3 different GUI frameworks in 
> python look very, very appealing :)

You are a very brave man.

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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