[SciPy-user] Enthon for the Mac

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu_r at users.sf.net
Tue Nov 23 13:07:16 EST 2004

>>>>> "RK" == Robert Kern <rkern at ucsd.edu> writes:

    RK> I'm gearing up to make binary packages for Scipy et al. for
    RK> Mac OS X. I hope that these might be considered collectively
    RK> as Enthought-Edition Python ("Enthon") for the Mac.

I'm not a Mac user but here is a data point.

    RK> Mayavi - stable 

You should really use CVS.  There were a few bugs that were fixed in
the last few months.  If CVS is a pain grab the last CVS snapshot 


Its old but fixed bad bugs in the volume mapper code.

The only reason there isn't a new MayaVi release is that I don't have
the time to to make the windows installer.  No one has stepped forward
to help with that so until I make the time to upgrade my machines,
install Windows blah blah and build the installer CVS is your best


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