[SciPy-user] Bug in io.mmread

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Mon Nov 8 15:22:24 EST 2004

On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Nils Wagner wrote:

>>> Any pointer would be appreciated.
>> I suspect that k0.mtx contains only integer values (some maybe larger that 
>> sys.maxint) and so asarray(data) returns array object with typecode=='O'. 
>> Could you send the file k0.mtx to me (don't send large files to the list) 
>> and I'll see if I can workaround this problem.
>> Pearu
> Pearu,
> Thank you for your reply. Actually, the file
> is very large (60 MB). How should I send it to you ?

If you would gzip it, the size should reduce to 6-10 MB that should be ok 
for sending it by E-mail (DON'T send it to list). However, if you could 
just send an url where to download it, that would be perfect.


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