[SciPy-user] scipy on quantian

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Wed May 5 10:58:29 EDT 2004

Hey Arnd,

Very cool.

> P.S.: Actually, maybe this is worth a link on the new scipy webpage?

Perhaps we should have a link page or "related projects" page that would 
be in the "navigation" panel of the site.  I'll ask Travis V. about this.

Also, you can always post a "news" articles from your personal scipy 
page that will show up on the front page.


Arnd Baecker wrote:

>Dear SciPy users,
>due to joint efforts a working SciPy is available on quantian,
>"The Quantian Scientific Computing Environment",
>   http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian.html
>which is a live CD based on knoppix/debian.
>So anyone who wants to do see what SciPy has to offer for him
>can test this without installing anything.
>(It might be also useful for Windows users to see
>how things look like on linux).
>Thanks go to Jose Fonseca for building the debian packages,
>Dirk Edelbuettel for quantian and his extremely fast and helpful response
>and Ulf Lorenz for a lot of testing.
>P.S.: Actually, maybe this is worth a link on the new scipy webpage?
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