[SciPy-user] bug crash

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Thu Jun 17 06:40:57 EDT 2004

> On June 16, 2004 02:57 pm, eric jones wrote:
> > Pearu Peterson wrote:
> > >In [1]: from scipy import *
> > >In [6]: b=arange(100000000).astype('f')
> > >
> > >In [7]: b=b*1j
> > >Segmentation fault
> >
> > It would be nice if the failure wasn't so violent...

That seems to be Numeric issue rather than of scipy:

In [2]: from Numeric import *
In [3]: b=arange(100000000).astype('f')
In [4]: b=b*1j
Segmentation fault

libwadpy gives the following traceback:

SegFault: [ C stack trace ]

#8   0x0805a2ba in PyNumber_Multiply()
#7   0x0805bbbe in ?()
#6   0x4049d9a0 in ?()
#5   0x404a25ff in PyUFunc_GenericFunction()
#4   0x404a223e in setup_loop()
#3   0x404a1fa8 in setup_matrices()
#2   0x4049804a in PyArray_FromObject()
#1   0x40497f0f in array_fromobject()
#0   0x40497c3c in PyArray_Cast()

However the following works ok:

In [1]: from Numeric import *
In [2]: b=arange(100000000).astype('D')
In [3]: b=b*1j
MemoryError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

MemoryError: can't allocate memory for array

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, David M. Cooke wrote:

> Yet another reason to switch to numarray...
> >>> import numarray
> >>> b = numarray.arange(100000000, type=numarray.Float64)
> >>> b = b*1j
> MemoryError
> >>>

That's not completely fair, also Numeric handles the above example well:

In [1]: from scipy import *
In [2]: b=arange(100000000,typecode='f')
In [3]: b=b*1j
MemoryError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

MemoryError: can't allocate memory for array

though I like numarray in respect that MemoryError is raised immidiately 
while with Numeric `b=b*1j` the MemoryError is raised after few 
minutes of computations.


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