[SciPy-user] Re: Contour plots

Nils Wagner nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Jun 8 08:54:28 EDT 2004

Arnd Baecker wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Jun 2004, Bryan Cole wrote:
>>On Mon, 07 Jun 2004 16:14:35 +0200, Nils Wagner wrote:
>>>Dear experts,
>>... doesn't apply to me.
> me neither, but still ...:
>>>I want to compute
>>>  f(x,y) = log(abs(det(A(x+1j*y))))
>>>over a grid of x,y.
>>>How can I contour the result within scipy or matplotlib ?
>>I struggled with this a while back. You can plot pixmaps from 2D array
>>data using either scipy.plt or matplotlib, but I don't think you can get
>>contours. gplt (Gnuplot) can generate contours in 3D plots but I can't see
>>a way to get a contour plot on 2D axes.
> I think one trick was to use
>   "set term table; set out "cont.dat" ; replot ; set out"
> to write the contour data into the file cont.dat
> (untested^TM).
>>Gist can do contours but
>>scipy.xplt is unix-only and anyway,
> scipy.xplt does work under Windows (and apparently Mac support
> is on it's way)
> (In our class we have many students using scipy.xplt on Windows
> more or less happily)
> If you need the actual contour data: _maybe_
> it is possible to use the (internal?) contour command as
> done in gist.py in the routine `plfc`
>    for i in range (n + 1) :
>       [nc, yc, xc] = contour (array ( [vc [i], vc [i + 1]]), z)
>>I couldn't get scipy.xplt to compile
>>on my FC2-linux machine,
> Maybe it is worth describing your problems with compiling
> in more detail so that the experts could fix any issues ...
>>so havn't tried it myself.
>>There is a separate python interface to gist, PyGist
>>which works well. I've just been experimenting with it and it looks the
>>best out-the-box plotting solution for contours so far. PyGist is also
>>available for win32. The Gist command set is rather cryptic, however;
> This one might help a bit:
> http://bonsai.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~mdehoon/software/python/pygist_html/pygist.html
>>matplotlib is much easier for normal 2D graphs IMHO.
>>There's a PyGist example below.
> If you replace "from gist import *"
> by "from scipy.xplt import *"
> it also works fine from scipy.xplt.
> Best,
> Arnd
>>from gist import *
>>window(0, wait=1, style='boxed2.gs')
>>ij = indices((20,20))/20.0 #make a grid
>>x = ij[0]
>>y = ij[1]
>>def f(x,y): #or the function of your choice...
>>    return sin(x**2) + cos(y**2)
>>z = f(x,y)
>>plc(z, y, x) #makes contour plot
>>raw_input() #to stop python exiting
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And how about filled contours ?
How can I obtain a legend illustrating the different levels.


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