[SciPy-user] Building Debug extrensions with scipy_distutils on WinXP

Berthold Höllmann hoel at gl-group.com
Mon Jul 26 09:48:35 EDT 2004


I'm trying to build a Windows Debug version of an inhouse extension
module whose setup.py requires scipy_distutils. I call

python_d.exe setup.py  config_fc --fcompiler=compaqv build --debug

but get

creating build\temp.win32-2.3\lib\PyBrushMod\flib
compile options: '-g -c'
DF:f77: lib\PyBrushMod\flib\area3.f
DF: error: Switch '-g' is ambiguous
error: Command "DF /f77rtl /fixed /nologo /MD /WX /iface=(cref,nomixed_str_len_arg) /names:lowercase
 /assume:underscore /debug /Ox /fast /optimize:5 /unroll:0 /math_library:fast /threads -g -c /compil
e_only lib\PyBrushMod\flib\area3.f /object:build\temp.win32-2.3\lib\PyBrushMod\flib\area3.o" failed
with exit status 1
[31863 refs]

The strange thing for me is, when I look into 'compaqfcompiler.py' I
find the class 'CompaqVisualFCompiler' which defines 

    def get_flags_debug(self):
        return ['/debug']

but for some strange reason '-g' is inserted.

Kind regards

Berthold Höllmann
Germanischer Lloyd AG
CAE Development
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e-mail: hoel at gl-group.com
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