[SciPy-user] plotting question

matt matt at hotdispatch.com
Tue Jul 20 14:52:45 EDT 2004

I'm trying to keep my install minimal, and I don't really want to 
install ipython.  Are there better docs anywhere for using plt or gplt 
to dump images?


On Jul 20, 2004, at 2:19 PM, Fernando Perez wrote:

> matt wrote:
>> I read the wikki plotting tutorial and was left with a few questions. 
>>  I want my code to automatically generate plots and dump them to 
>> files instead of displaying them.  Any old image format or pdf would 
>> be fine.   Is there a way to do this?  I assume there must be since 
>> that functionality is integral to gnuplot.  An example or pointer to 
>> one would be very useful.  I'd be happy to add whatever I get to the 
>> plotting tutorial on the wikki.
> <plug ahead>
> ipython, which I referred to before, comes with gnuplot integration, 
> and it includes enhancements to the default plot() command to ease up 
> automatic eps generation.  If you say plot(x,y,filename='foo.eps'), 
> you automatically get eps output instead of on-screen display.  There 
> are examples in the manual, and I can mail you more if you need.  You 
> can just browse the html manual on the ipython.scipy.org site for a 
> feel of how it works.
> Regards,
> f
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