[SciPy-user] scipy.xplt.ghelp (2nd try ;-)

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Wed Feb 25 12:12:07 EST 2004


this is a reformulation of my recent question with the same subject,
I hope I get it right this time ;-)

If I understand things correctly, scipy.xplt.ghelp is gone
because the information from xplt/gistdata/help.help
has been moved to the doc strings of the commands.
If this is correct,
how do I get information on the keywords for a plot command ?

works, but I don't know how to get information on the keywords,
like `color`, `closed` etc.
I think all the information is given here
How can I access this type of information from within python?
(Before scipy.xplt.ghelp("color") did the job).

Many thanks,


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