[SciPy-user] gplot documentation

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Mon Aug 16 15:03:50 EDT 2004

gpajer at rider.edu wrote:

> I don't think you would generate yawns in a presentation to a wide
> audience.  The landscape is rather rich with possibilities, and I'm sure
> no one in the audience will have constructed the same system.  Everyone
> would get something out of such a talk.

Good enough, thanks.  I'll include some of this then.  It seems to me like 
there's a need for a solid book/tutorial on scientific computing with python 
which combines:

- description of existing tools, but making a justified choice of a suitable 
'best' one for real-life work.  Laundry lists are semi-useless because they 
leave to the users the task of trying everything out there.

- documenting the scipy core in detail.  The existing tutorial is good, but 
missing parts.  This would obviously mean extending, not rewriting, the 
existing docs.

- presenting workflow suggestions, with real-world examples of how to achieve 
this efficiently.  This includes interactive work, C/C++/Fortran integration, 
plotting/visualization, making all of this batch and gui-less-friendly, etc.

And then, we need to build a mathematica-notebook-like environment for python, 
so we can work, write text and equations, plot and print finished documents, 
all from within a single system.

So much to do, so little time...



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