[SciPy-user] RPMs of 0.3

Stephen Walton stephen.walton at csun.edu
Fri Apr 23 16:03:08 EDT 2004

I just tried downloading and installing the prebuilt RPMs of SciPy 0.3. 
They are realy very handy, but of course I have some comments.

SciPy-0.3.0_266.4239-1ee_py23_Linux_PIII_rh9.i386.rpm, and perhaps the
others, have fftw as a dependency but this is not stated on the
installation site.  I was able to install them on a non-FFTW-equipped
machine by using "--nodeps".  Without fftw, scipy.test(level=1) fails. 
Installing FFTW allows it to pass all tests on FC1 at this level.  YMMV.

FYI, I find the simplest way to get fftw on FC1 is to put
download.fedora.us in /etc/yum.conf and do "yum install fftw

Stephen Walton <stephen.walton at csun.edu>
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Cal State Northridge

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